LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Starting to think my scumtell is that town!Arete is actually capable of prioritizing important real life commitments ever.

@Luxy @Geyde Can i target vul with either of my abilities tonight?

The answer is no

Can i be redirected into vul by vul?


well fuck me then :frowning:

You could Lie to Hippo :thinking:

interesting idea.

I could also ā€œself protectā€ and you frame derpā€™s target

I think if Iā€™m targeting Derps itā€™ll be with the last charge of my day ability (the feedback one)

Just realized we can win this game if vul steals hammer.

it is currently 3v7.

with a myslynch, it becomes 3v6.

If vul steals hammer, we can factional and kill another dude to make it 3v4

we then can quickhammer with my doube and win the game

If something goes wrong, it will likely be 3v5 with vul as openwolf and a lynch on vul makes it 3v4 into the night phase."

with a factional, it becomes 3v3 and we still win with my doublevote.

For night kills, we can kill derps and squid or something.

two people who very likely wonā€™t be jailkept(or jailkeeper).

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you could have arete do factional, emp me, having me removing posotive effects on a kill target(likely the non-squid one)

arete factionals whoever i remove effects on.

and vul redirects someone + kills squid with hammer

I think we need to figure out what got Rivendell hammered at 5/6 votes this early in the day

it might be important for vote timing

also I should be packing not strategizing :eyes:

@Luxy @Geyde
a) does my double vote work on map votes and
b) can we quickammer maps

The potential problem I see with me doing the factional is that Squid might jailkeep me, since Iā€™ve claimed occupation doesnā€™t affect me

also bear in mind that the ringbearer may or may not be able to just kill Vul at night

rivendell should stop that.

and if not, we have a free convert, and it might still be 3v4

And also yes


wait, no, heal-bypass doesnā€™t work here.

so i would lie to someone random.