LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

i really don’t deserve this win but I am happy to help regardless

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Summarizing our path to victory™, for the severalth time (hopefully this one will actually work):
Currently alive players:

  1. SirDerpsALot
  2. Marshal
  3. Hippolytus
  4. Arete
  5. H_Hja
  6. Sulit
  7. PoisonedSquid

After tonight:

  1. SirDerpsALot
  2. Marshal
  3. Hippolytus
  4. Arete
  5. H_Hja
  6. Sulit
    Marshal doublevotifies me or you

We vote Hja

  1. SirDerpsALot
  2. Marshal
  3. Hippolytus
  4. Arete
  5. Sulit

Stab either Hippo or Derps and vote out the other


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We could also vote Bree tmrw, to not risk dying


And then win with maj

That’s honestly probably a better plan

I also say we factional derps.

More likely to not have passive self protection

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By the way, Sulit, any idea how you didn’t die last night?

SHe made herself immune last night

inb4 the Ring turns out to, like, autowin the game for town if the Ringbearer is alive on whatever day tomorrow is

or something like that

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No clue. I blocked Squid last night.

How would I have died?

Marshal factional-killed you

That’s weird

Maybe I was protected I dunno

Maybe Hja or Hippo has some sort of unspecified protective ability?

The biggest thing that could go wrong here is if one of them has a day-protective ability that procs at night, and used it on Squid

The second biggest thing that could go wrong here is if one of them has a dayvig

Well squid is jk and it’s just hja derps and hippo left

So he will probably protect one of them. Most likely out of those 4 to be protection is Hippo, second is hja. Both of them he will likely choose. I think we’re safe. We could try and factional derps instead maybe?

Squid roleblocks as well right

Night actions other than the factional kill don’t work on this map

oh wait yeah totally knew that


So we should figure out who’s performing the factional kill

also Derps claims Geyde said night will end early if all actions are submitted, so we should make sure not to submit it until we can all be online

I’m just worried my Ring tinfoil is going to turn out to be correct

that would be a really dumb mechanic but flavor-wise it would kind of make sense

This is probably irrational paranoia to be clear