LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

@Ami Come clear yourself. I’ll help you

If we can come up with a good townclear you’ll be fine

Hellooo scum players.
I need input. Especially from Kai because we gotta come up with a gambit to clear you.

Make the towniest posts you can make Kai I’ll do my best to townread the hell out of them.
Actually the rest of the team can help me.

Kai claims a wolf peek on a fellow wolf, they fight for a bit, Kai announces it was a reaction test

You joke but it might work.

Thanks autoedit.
We need to regain thread control. Can’t really do it on my own.
Scummates, assemble.

Okay, what am I doing here?

I could come in and deathtunnel Alice again :upside_down_face:

Tunneling Alice
-lol mindmeld

I mindmelded with Vulgard, they are conftown

I’m kidding.
Basically we need to deter the idea of a Kai lynch or a Kai vig. If Kai isn’t here to defend himself the thread has to be shifted away from him. If Kai can make himself look towny enough the thread won’t come back to him.

Explain what to do like I’ve been part of a forum scumteam twice before and got lynched D3 both times

I could post a giant wallpost and you all could argue about it, the problem is I need to write it first

Listen I’m not a great scum player I’ve only been scum twice in FM and the second time is now.

Direct the thread away from it. Maybe start a couple pushes or bring attention to pushes from the past. Make people forget about Kai for a moment.
Sell people on another player’s case, or tunnel something again.
Maybe read a couple of people, force them to post. Anything works as long as it creates discussion that isn’t about Kai.
You could even scumread someone who has no association with Kai because that might potentially create a counterwagon.

Actually, one of them might have been D2 :thinking:

To be fair we need more than just the two of us to be online for this to work properly. I can’t just sheep the stuff you do and neither can you.
It’s more organic with three or more people. For some reason association is much harder to make between 3+ people than in pairs.

Basically we need to come up with something better than a Kai lynch or a Kai vig. Right now I’m pushing the idea of Boss/Squid scum and I’m specifically pushing Squid because Kai was happy with a Boss lynch earlier.

See what I mean? Options. There is a ton of options and town doesn’t know which are right.

They just have to be convinced or made doubtful.

One thing you could do right now is scumread Maximus because I’m townreading him very hard and you could make me ‘reconsider.’
Actually that’s something Kai could do. It’d help me clear him.

im online what would i need to do

I just wrote a thing on Astand, let me go post it