LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

It’s Hja, I wouldn’t put too much stock in it.

i can’t even
thanks for ruining your own push Alice

i’ve been really overestimating town in my last scum game haven’t I

TFW you start a push on Alice that you’re not expecting to go anywhere and suddenly several of the actual townsfolk are scumreading her :eyes:


you were being scumread just now and a lynch target and I was contemplating how to defend you and how you should clear yourself
but Alice has temporarily fixed all of our problems
i’m riding that towncred really hard

People were scumreading you for a while but now instead everyone is paying attention to Alice, who just claimed some sort of dayvig type thing on Ginger (who is obvious newbtown)

do i claim i had a long shift later to just avoid posting

Like obviously I know that Ginger is newbtown, being the informed minority and all, but also Ginger is obvious newbtown

I don’t think there’s a reason for you to claim right now tbh.
Just try to be as towny as possible with your next posts, I’ll try to help you if I have to.

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be back in like 1.5 to 2 hours. Do me proud bois

i was planning on enjoying a night where i relaxed and got high but no i got to save my ass

you’re not even the focus right now
Alice did a great job defending you

Eh, at this point you can let Alice just … happen …

ok good i can get stoned without worry

boi no
actually i’m kinda curious how I would play while stoned
but no

i came up with that redcheck while semi-high.

do you want to see what high out of his mind kai can pull

I am so curious how this interacts with Alice’s thing.

Solic: You mean who are they going to be redirected too.

So now I’m thinking that I frame some flavor of townsperson and Vul redirects Alice. I could also use my day ability and again have Vul redirect Alice.

actually since I appear as town to faction checks and I’m vig immune
I could just let it happen lol