LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

I am thinking of claiming that my fac. kill passive is an ability that redirects all targeters to themselves, and that it heals all visitors to you if i get hammer

Or that i gain temporary night immunity while using it

My current draft fake hammer passive is ā€œif you are the hammerer etc. etc. you can ask the host a single yes-or-no question, the answer to which will always be accurate.ā€ Iā€™m planning to describe it if asked as ā€œsuper broken if I can figure out how to use it, probably most useful in midgame.ā€

Did one of you poison Derps?

wasnt me

wasnā€™t me.

So derps is a liar

ThisBirdā€™s the one who can poison people.

Did we just out our own lost wolf? :upside_down_face:

better a LW than us

i think we can bus our own LW for townrcred

I think my choices for a rando vote are DatBird and Simon.

I could push for Solic, since I did do a quasi-decent SR of him before.

I mean vote for Solic, not push, sorry. Havenā€™t got all of the lingo down yet.

just do whatever feels natural.
you have to be able to justify it, however poorly

whelp iā€™ve semi-pocketed universal.

thatā€™s good

Half-assed Solic vote is out.

Now keep going, follow that up with something related on Solic

Im gonna do some slight ā€œdistancingā€ thatā€™s more just clearing set

Sounds good, Iā€™ll see if I can do a small ISO on Solic.


and then choose a few townreads and scumreads to present that you can at least weakly back up, then i will unvote you