LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

weird timing for a Dat readlist :joy:

Town(in order):

  • Astand- So yeah this was my check last night, not much to say bout it showed up town, was pretty null on him day 1 so I checked him. Woke up around when the end of Day 1 so I could snag the hammer that way I could get a second check and hopefully get a redcheck, that would have helped with my current predictament more where i dont have the greatest amount of time, but by the time I woke up turned out hammer was reached. Canā€™t really blame Hja for doing my plan except she was successful.

  • Andrej- Most improved and even though its not much I see him trying to make reads, and this is way different compared to MGS. This has to be town without a doubt.

  • chiangsmokers- Our Parity cop, even though I was sus of him early Day 1, when he claimed it felt natural to me. I hope he comes back with a redcheck for us, but we will have to wait I guess

  • Hippolytus- Legit have been liking this man, he feels apart of thread constantly unlike Ritual Mafia. Dont know if I trust the masons per say cause the team memesky interactions day 1 didnt feel like they were masons but thats prob just me

  • Vulgard-


  • Alice- So like why didnt she shoot, she didnt feel she need to, does that make her scum, no. Is it why she is a lean now compared to just town yes. Does the toxicity make her scummy, no. She did the same thing Swords and Staffs as town.

  • Firekitten- The confidence I saw in thread has diminished, I want to beleive FK is town cause my gut screams it, but has he really done much noā€¦ Gonna keep him here due to Gut-o-nomics for now

  • Arete-

  • Simon- I made an ISO, go read it. It fits meta, even though he hasnt brought the much to the table imo

  • MaximusPrime- He always seems lost when entering thread which means hes prob not informed by scummates, but has some bad reads like shooting Andrej if he got the vig. But I kinda wish he went and pushed more Yeah I know coming from me


  • H_Hja
  • Evil_Ginger- High Poster, low content, couldnā€™ tell ya a single thing hes really done this game. But idk hes seems comfortable in thread,
  • Icibalus
  • Marshal


  • PoisonedSquid
  • SetToBlow
  • Universal
  • SirDerpsALot

this is where im at so far, plus alice asked for reads

I kind of donā€™t want a greencheck on Astand running around, I want to be able to mislynch him at some point ideally soon and with a greencheck we wonā€™t be able to

Also I reallllly donā€™t like this line in the context of us intentionally trying to get a fake redcheck from him

hmmm who i can I switch it to, maybe Hja since she was pushing me d1

Yeah, Hja is really hard to ML due to meta, so a greencheck on her is safer

and you can potentially say you checked her because of that dumb hammer ploy, if youā€™re ā€œclaimingā€

@Dat youā€™re hedging on every single read in there and thatā€™s a bad thing
try to fix that, I can help you

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overexplainy especially since youā€™re gonna claim a greencheck.

better version:

Astand - town, got a greencheck on him last night. figured i should check him because vulā€™s tunnel was a thing and overall he hasnā€™t been very town-motivated. he game up green so sheep him today

something along these lines. though I donā€™t agree with astand being your greencheck; from a town perspective, outing that just makes him a more likely claimvig target considering he hardclaimed. keeping the greencheck hidden as town would be the better play because it doesnā€™t give astand 100% confirmability and allows scum to keep him around

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better version (i think):

chiang - i think heā€™s town. hardclaimed very easily and it felt natural. if he was scum heā€™d know thereā€™s a claimvig and how it works. hardclaiming a parity cop from a town perspective would get him shot, so he wouldnā€™t do it. if he wouldnā€™t figure that out by himself his scumbuds would tell him. basically, heā€™s just town because of how heā€™s been acting. still waiting for him to pop in with results.

iā€™m using my personal wording because i donā€™t think i could convincingly replicate the way you phrase things, i donā€™t even know you that well.
just trying to convey an idea here of how town should make its reads. basically remove all the hedging and sound confident.
townies are wrong on reads all the time. itā€™s not a bad thing if none of your scumreads are town on a readlist unless thereā€™s something egregiously incorrect like scumreading a consensus or confirmed town.

hippo - heā€™s been meming but he stays involved and is confident in his reads. i donā€™t sense agenda from him and he keeps the game going. iā€™d take another look if he mislynches a bunch of people but heā€™s always there and it doesnā€™t feel like heā€™s trying to nudge the town into the wrong direction. unlike ritual mafia where he was scum and didnā€™t get involved, here heā€™s doing something completely different. hard townread from me and you can fight me.

should I go on or do you get what iā€™m saying
iā€™m sure you can do it ily birdie boy

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fk - gut says town but it feels like he hasnā€™t done jack this game and itā€™s d2. people have been saying i was dwindling but fk is also dwindling, itā€™s just less noticeable because he posted more. iā€™m still keeping this as a townlean but thereā€™s a limit to my gutreads

you donā€™t need to evoke the same ideas as the ones iā€™m evoking with these examples, you just need to remove hedging and be confident as hell

also itā€™s a good thing youā€™re gonna post your readlist now because itā€™s gonna look good that youā€™re moving the game in the right direction. the way i spun the thread itā€™s all about alice and her behavior, youā€™re gonna offer a different perspective

got like five more to go so it will be soon

ā€¦Wait, if Alice is a PGOizer, then why the hell isnā€™t Marshal dead? Did FK protect him or something?

Thinking FK because theyā€™re pocketed and softed protective earlier

she might only shoot attackers
the way she said it iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s how it works
which means itā€™s AWESOME we didnā€™t nightkill her