LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Currently trying to remember if we even have healers alive. FK’s softed some sort of protective ability but I’m not exactly sure what.

i’m thinking you should hide tomorrow’s flip if it’s a town flip

I’ll plan on it.

also i’m 100% using my ring ability
i wanna know what feedback the ringholder receives
if we kill them tonight then oof but this means we should get the ring i think

if we kill them tonight then I won’t die to bleed

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I think Maxi might be the bleeder, he was scumreading me earlier

maybe the fact you were bled is the announced buff for our team

hey, it might draw healers off of attack targets

Speaking of the buff, when do we get that?

lost wolf in our scumchat lost wolf in our scumchat
please be hippo so we can have even more of a memefest

Maybe just we know the wolf or they know us.


@SetToBlow I’m going to push back against your Andrej read, argue with me a little about it, okay? Your arguments don’t have to be good, we just want them to look like a natural thought process.

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Alrighty, sounds good

How’s that?

Hm, I’d put less of the ‘I’m happy to here from people who know his meta’ thing in the next one, like once is fine but you don’t need to repeat it, and there are parts that look defensive, but this should be good for the conversational flow here.

andrej is experienced, btw.

I don’t know what FK is looking for in that question, but i will tell you he has played quite a bit

I would probably avoid saying he’s experienced since you’d have no way to know that

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I think qualifying my opinions here is better than going overconfident because it is one of those things were I couldn’t possibly know if they were new.

If I’d left it out, it’s possible that people could think I’m scum since I’d have to be in scum to have certainty about inherently uncertain reads.

Seems like I might end up with a reputation for making very well detailed and very inaccurate reads :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey, i did the same thing.

Better do some serious shitposting next game