LoTRFM - Mafia Chat


lets fucking go

So I guess iā€™ll be the factional killer then

I totally forgot Iā€™m cop immune I canā€™t even.

Is Alice softing ringbearer right now?
@DatBird Might be good to check Alice?


Iā€™m going to go tunnel Alice for a bit, is that cool with everyone?

itā€™s in-meta for me to push mislynches on townies as town

Sure go for it
Also this map choice is bad for us. I wanted to tunnel Simon but the fact he put forward this map suggestion when nobody else thought about it makes it hard to push him.

The good thing is we can potentially get two hammer bonuses which would be amazing so letā€™s try to do it.

I mean, if we claimvig PKR then it shouldnā€™t matter, right? Ideally after map choice happens.

Actually thatā€™s true. We should be able to claimvig PKR if STB gets here.

@SetToBlow hey, whenever you wake up, can you read over the thread and then claimvig PKR?


Also Iā€™m still debating who to empower.

you have time.

I say no-one if the occ-fail map is used

@Luxy What are husks? Am I allowed to know?

Iā€™m getting the impression husks have something to do with a neutral faction and this is how we can identify a lost wolf (which I think is Hippo if there is a lost wolf).

@SetToBlow Btw(sorry for the pings)

it might be a good idea to just come to scumchat, claimvig pkr, and then actually talk in the main thread like an hour from the vig.

that way it canā€™t be traced to you

aaaand i just remembered dat is in our scumteam.


ten characters

ten characters is just a meme at this point

The thread state is interesting right now
I wonder if I can push a mislynch once voting phase opens?

To be fair considering my hammer ability it might be better if I donā€™t push people and let others do it for me.