LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

well then I like the chaingvig idea as soon as chiang outs fake results

Honestly, even if Chiang comes out with info that harms us, we could potentially spin it as a basically-outed evil trying to make a play (since everyone thinks Chiangā€™s the claimvig)

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whyyy does it keep doing that

Iā€™ve submitted the factional kill on Hippo.

yeah i think blue should be occupied
it might prevent him from alerting.

ā€¦come to think of it his alert might bypass night immunity if it works like hunter. but that still shouldnā€™t bypass my passive since it doesnā€™t say iā€™m ā€˜immuneā€™, but ā€˜invincibleā€™


Yeah, the biggest thing Iā€™m worried about with his alert is if it turns out to make him immune to death while doing it.

it wonā€™t be the end of the world unless he is informed about being attacked and i am seen visiting him.
thatā€™s the worst case scenario. i can still say i vigged him if that happens though

3 would be kind of a lot of tracker/watchers and weā€™re killing Hippo.

It does partially depend on what the protectives do, like for all we know Gingerā€™s heal heals everyone in the neighborhood and FK is going to survive.

i can say iā€™m a joat with the ability to:

  • occupy
  • attack
  • empower

but i start with 1 use of everything and need to hammer to gain 1 additional use of everything
which is why i wanted hammer because on the off chance blue is town i still want a vig shot before lylo

obviously thatā€™s gonna be all lies but iā€™m thinking it might be decent

well the problem is i donā€™t think we can leave fk alive

if we want to be sure we can have marshal use diversion on fk instead of lying to chiang

if chiang gets an incomp check between one of us and a town member we can always thunderdome into a mislynch
the worst case scenario is if the check is between me and one of us because it forces me to bus, but other than that itā€™s not a terrible situation

We could also have STB occupy Chiang to stop results from getting out, or just claimvig Chaing first thing tomorrow (though that takes them out of the PoE).

i was about to say that

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it does remove the possibility of mislynching chiang
but opens new avenues i can be like ā€˜who in the hell is the claimvigā€™

I mindmelded with Vul

Vul is basically conftown

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i can be like ā€˜lolwolvesā€™ with the icibalus poison

theyā€™re going to laugh when they find out the poison really was out of spite

Tomorrowā€™s mislynch is basically handled for us anyway with Derpsā€™s check, though since for some reason he called out a check on Hja if he goes through with it everyoneā€™s going to be like lolframes