LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Okay guys, I have a new Terrible Areteplan

  • Set comes in with a redcheck on someone
  • I immediately accuse Set of being evil and badly defend the someone
  • The someone gets lynched
  • I clean the someone
  • when I flip tomorrow it looks like I disguised a scumbuddy, and Set is confirmed

how terrible is this plan

bad thing: it puts two scum at risk instead of one.
good thing: it potentially gets us a mislynch today and confirms set because who would bus with two scum dead.
eh thing: stb came into the thread without claiming a redcheck so he would need a very good explanation.

overall i think itā€™s not a Bad Idea From Arete.

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it also might give set an excuse to hammer if we execute this correctly.

We can potentially get a kill on Blue if we go Paths of the Dead, if his PGO ability is infinite-use


he implied that the whole ā€˜not dyingā€™ thing was a day ability

iā€™m conveniently skipping over the fact scum can vote for people to get them occupied


when you get back, before you post in the thread, Iā€™d like to hear your thoughts on this terrible Areteplan

Iā€™m pretty sure this plan either goes really well, gets Set confirmed and an important townie mislynched, and lets him coast to endgame or it horribly blows up in our faces

and Iā€™m not sure which

so okay, if we go with the Incredibly Stupid Areteplan and it actually works, then we have:
Right now 4v10
Mislynch someone with it, Set or Vul takes hammer 4v9
I die + nightkill 3v7
potentially get another mislynch with an actually fake redcheck? or just with riding the free towncred 3v6
nightkill 3v5
either get a mislynch or bus Vulgard 3v4
nightkill 3v3


but thatā€™s a pretty big ā€˜ifā€™

  • SirDerpsALot - cop with a scout ability and a vig that only shoots Mafia
  • Hippolytus -possibly-Mason Observer with some flavor of day investigation
  • Firekitten - some sort of Knight-type ability
  • Alice BlueStorm - PGO with a 1-shot kill-someone-on-your-wagon ability
  • H_Hja - possibly-Mason, has claimed lots of different things
  • MaximusPrime - I have a tinfoil Maxi is the bleeder
  • Andrej - Occupier
  • Evil_Ginger - neighborizer who can heal people in the neighborhood
  • Simon - includes some sort of very conditional vig ability
  • PoisonedSquid - jailkeeper

summary of claims

based on Vulā€™s class card I think Simonā€™s our ringbearer

Easy mislynches: Andrej, maybe Ginger, maybe Squid, maybe Maxi

Medium mislynches: Simon, Derps, Kitten

Nope: Hippo, Hja, apparently now Blue for some reason??

for future days

Any fake redcheck gambits should be on people that (a) are high-value mislynch targets (e.g. FK), (b) are not sufficiently easy to mislynch without a redcheck (so for instance, not Andrej), (c) arenā€™t so obvtown that it wonā€™t just get Set mislynched instead

this is if we decide to go with Operation Fake Redcheck

weā€™d need to do it today if weā€™re doing it at all, the cleaning thing is important to it working

Wdym by category


All classes have a max of two day and two night except for Sauron.

Blue being occupied when mafia are immune to occupation confirms him as town.

grumbles about people being right for the wrong reasons

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I think you all should push for a fk lynch to ā€œresolve my spotā€ and then have me, yā€™know, be town-resolved

Thereā€™s an argument to be made that I should be pushing against whatever lynch we want, since everyoneā€™s decided Iā€™m scum.

We want STB hammering today, I think, so that we can occupy the protectives + claimvig someone.

well, no.

you should all push for a FK lynch.

set + vul, hammerers.