LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Not sure how claimvigs work specifically, but in this thread or in your classcard, bold the ability and the target.

example: /bone archers pkr

you might have to add a quote with the claim, but i dont really know

Do /ability name [target] and use two asterisks either side to bold it.

You need to quote the post you are claimvigging

   **/abilityname abilitytarget**

Use this quote with the ability

now iis a good time to DESTROY

Damn it, I don’t know how to code quotes either. Why can’t there be a ‘quote’ button?

Pretty much my bad, wish I’d looked at the way the forum code works before joining in.

Highlight what you want to quote and then click quote.

highlight text and click quote button.

but I would say to copy the text i put because it shows that you are in thread and I kinda dont want that info out yet

[quote=“PokemonKidRyan, post:1452, topic:78152, full:true”]
Astand, I swear if you’re being honest…
I’m a doc and retributionist…

Copy this here I think

Alright. So I just do it here, right?

All actions in your class card please.

I think I’ve done it :stuck_out_tongue:

Good job.

Now, we wait and see

He shoots,



wait what

Is that dayvigging?

That’s pretty crazy

Or claimvigging, rather.