Mafia Championship Season 8 - RESULTS ARE IN! (post 464)

Well, the MU Championships happen on MU, so it would be a bit difficult to send a representative who’s banned there to Champs.

i think the point in question was “a player who is banned on MU nominating another player who is not banned on MU”

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fair enough I guess

I kinda just figured there would be a cross-nomination going on there and was like “hold up”

Also he’s banned here now too so I can just say I predicted the future


haha funny solar car

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“competitive site”

we compete to see how quickly we can throw the game


/nominate @orangeandblack5
/accept my nomination


Lol sure accept

You made it in time.

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no u

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Also I definitely forgot this ended at 3 and not 2:30 until right then lmao

@Arete you take over from here, have fun

I tried to nominate you off-site

does that count

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i helped!

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also i considered nomming u but figured you’d rep LCO again tbh

Voting Part 1

After nominations, the first stage of voting is Approval Voting. Please vote for all players who you would be okay with representing our site. You may vote for multiple people, and you may vote for yourself.

Anyone who receives at least 50 percent approval from among voters will advance to the final round of voting.

The deadline to vote is 2021-04-24T19:00:00Z.

Note that you only have 48 hours this time. This is based on activity in the nominations round.

Results are currently set to “staff only,” if you are Staff and nominated please don’t look at the poll.

  • SirDerpsAlot
  • Chloe
  • Katze
  • Marluxion
  • sulit
  • astand
  • orangeandblack5

0 voters

that’s a scary and bold assumption considering the people LCO has on call

even amongst past people we’ve sent LLD is probably better than I am tbh