Mafia Championship Season 8 - RESULTS ARE IN! (post 464)

wait we have to campaign


lol it’s funny I put vote and my name together xd

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you don’t have to campaign, but you can if you want

I selected the people I wanted to vote, and clicked the button.

I didn’t know whether or not it worked, so I clicked it a couple more times to be sure :joy_cat:

I’m still not sure, but I’m assuming it worked.

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I don’t know if I need to I can’t tel who’s voting me

it worked

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Oh no kat is wallposting

Why you should vote katze into champs, either as the FoL rep or as the backup

1: I am like, actually endorsed by MU spec chat and beyond.



(admittedly hally’s nomination is kind of a joke one, but it’s because hally expects me to rep us, not MU, however the seconding is serious! :joy_cat:)

I don’t want to say I’d be a fan favorite, but I don’t think it’s far from the truth? I’ve played a fair bit on MU and a lot of people seem to enjoy my playstyle, and consider me a pretty decent player? I could probably find more receipts on that last claim, since I’m thinking of a few DVCs when I say that.

2: The setup is practically tailor made for me! A setup with no role flips gives a player with experience FPSing and fakeclaiming a lot of room to prosper, and while you can argue back and fourth with me as to whether I’m good at it – I think I’ve gone through enough trial and error to easily be one of the better people at it, and absolutely knowledgeable in the subject. and unlike here, not everybody on MU expects every thing I say to be a fakeclaim, so I can actually do it!

3: In a way, I think I probably represent Forum of Lies better than most people here can? I don’t really know how to explain this one, and it’s a fairly minute point anyway, but I think my general personality/playstyle/postcount is a pretty decent look at our site, although on MU my playstyle is a bit less crazy. I think I’ve gotten pretty good at finding a medium there.

4: I’m actually pretty hyped to go! Which means I fully expect myself to play to my absolute best!

Bonus points that are relatively insignificant

5: If you send a combination of me and Chloe as the rep/backup, we can have two sisters in the same game, and that’s pretty hype
6: You get to laugh at me/make fun of me in spec chat, which is really fun
7: I have a really cute MU PFP and you’d get to see it a lot :eyes:

TLDR: vote katze


im doomed

/vote sulit

oh and i make funny memes sometimes

but realistically the funnier memes will be the ones making fun of me

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wait i forgot an actually important point

8: I’m pretty competent as both alignments! I’ve been practicing my village game quite a bit recently and I think I’m getting relatively strong at it – while my wolf game is generally considered fairly good by most!

well you convinced me to add you ig

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lets goooo

first champs, next presidency


yeah no thanks on that one

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the first gamer president

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i will pick up where ace watkins left off


wtf is forum mafia

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wtf os firum mafoa