Mafia Championship Season 8 - RESULTS ARE IN! (post 464)

Appreciate the gesture, but I’ve played exactly one game here during the last year, so there isn’t a place for me to represent anything.

That’s besides me having continuously mediocre performances lately.

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@orangeandblack5 count this as decline.


for the record perhaps a change of scenery is exactly what you need to break out of your perceived streak

I don’t know. :man_shrugging:
And yes, I remember that year ago I said something like “I’ll try to get more votes next time!”.

that’s one of the nice things about Champs

it’s literally always a change of scenery

in some ways good, in some ways bad

but nothing else is quite the same

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Well if you insist, I’ll promise to think about accepting.


I choose either @Whysper or @Centuries

Whysper has shown she can carry as either alignment.
Examples are when she was Town in The Things Game, when she found the last convert in F3.
Countries FM, where she managed to also win in F3.

Centuries will be an interesting pick, because I’d like to see if he can openwolf in champs and still win.
They’ll never see him coming.

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I nominate @WindwardAway

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That sounds like someone I’ve played with off site. :sunglasses:

Actually would like to nominate both @Whysper and @Centuries if that’s possible.

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i nominate @HonkMan

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Stop tunnelling people 4Head.


i can do this too

and its funnier if i do it because she’ll get flustered if i do it and just annoyed if u do tbh

I don’t think you can nominate yourself


chloe nominated me so i mean

