Mafia Championship Season 8 - RESULTS ARE IN! (post 464)

/vote Katze to represent FoL.
/vote Chloe to be backup.

you use the poll to vote

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why am I able to vote multiple times

fyi I voted chloe and astand
no harsh feelings y’all xxxx

I think that’s just to allow you to change your votes

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We aren’t even voting for this yet pepega

You’re voting for who you would be okay with sending not voting for actual reps yey


The pool their isn’t for who to send

It’s a would you be okay with any of these people repping

You can vote one or you can vote all

Everyone who gets I think it was 50% approval gets sent on to the actual voting

Oh right
So this is the part where I get to choose favourites and not my representative/backup choice?

So like if you would be okay with x going but thing someone else is better still you can vote them both

Why is this a voting stage at all
Shouldn’t the nomination be all that’s required?
This feels pointless

Can we skip this stage?

To narrow it down

I mean the people have obviously been nominated for a reason
It’s very unlikely I wouldn’t be happy with them all going

I also don’t really think we should sent Astand not because of their ability but because I don’t think their active enough recently to represent the site IMO

Astand has their home community as FoL on MU
And Astand is a consistently good player here and hosts/cohosts games regularly

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Astand is my rep choice
Chloe is my backup choice

I don’t remember them really playing all that much recently though