Mafia Championships Season 7 Nominations

Inb4 Amigard

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katrete would be a great hydra change my mind


im p sure me and derps are hydraing for that hydra game arete’s hosting

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Didn’t you already nominate someone

they nominated me and i refused

stop stealing :angry:

Arete does everything and lolkatting is the backup plan. I like it

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Whod be a good hydra for you? Ah! Emilia

You two shall be: Eamilia

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ami/amelia/emilia hydra



you present me with a choice. Listen to you, or not listen to you. It’s a dilemma, truly and fully. On one hand, I know that there is no reason to not listen to a person. I don’t have to heed your words. I don’t have to take your advice, but the logical thing to do is to listen. However, I have pause. My problem is that you are truly the last person I would want to listen to in this game, or on this forum, or dare I say on the entire earth. 7,000,000,000 people, and you are the last one that I would want to listen to. Congratulations. Every time I hear one of your scum reads, everytime you suggest an idea, you bring me one step closer to leaving this game and this forum and cutting off human contact for ever.

You prove to me that there is not a God. Because if there were a higher being, no matter how cruel and malicious, they would do everything in their power that they could to banish you from this forum, nay, plane of existence. If there ever was a higher power, it ceased to exist the moment you entered this earth, and imploded in on itself, from the sheer irritation of your presence and aura that you give off so strongly.

No matter where you are right now, your unpleasantness can be physically felt throughout the world to not only I but to every single other person on the face of this here earth. People claim that the world has been going downhill, but can never seem to understand why. Unlike them, I have found the answer through sheer poor luck. You have not only ruined this game and this forum, but you have put the state of this planet in such an unescapable decline that it truly never will escape. Global warming is not because of environmental factors, but simply because the earth cannot bear to hold on anymore with the knowledge that you are sheltered by it.

Everything logical is telling me to give you a chance. To hear you out, to think about your towncore and ideas and at least ponder them. But nay, I will not. And you know why? Because to even consider that would be to admit that you have won. That everything wrong in the world is inevitable. And so, for the sake of humanity, I will ignore everything you have to say from this point forward. It is a brave choice and I should be celebrated, because what i’m doing may be the decision that saves humanity itself. My sheer will and dedication will save all of you useless people in this game and you will all bow down and chant my name through the halls.

In my choice to ignore what you are saying, I am choosing good. I am the last hope for love and you are the darkness in this game that will bring us to a demise. One can only hope you understand the error in your ways, and some how repent. But until then, I will be the pillar of strength, ascended above you, humanity, and God himself. Because that is what is right, and what is good, and what must be done.


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you beat me to the joke :frowning:

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Oh no

Whoa where’s this hydra game??


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Triple Hydra game runs every year

some time in the future

in the queue right now



it’s scheduled to start in like a week

it’s technically awaiting review from @eevee-sama because my reviewer got fired


isn’t it just JK9?

does that need a reviewer

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