Mafia Championships Season 7 Nominations


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lemme thonk



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nah thats lame

me and chloe are making a team name

anyways if you like hydras MU runs a hydra event every year in the late fall after Champs finishes

I did it this past year and it was pretty neat (even if my game ended on D2)

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It doesn’t have to be

My hydras were We Like Jelly and Seven Stakes of Purgatory

his was towards my suggestion but i didnt make it a reply oops

Sounds like a pokemon

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also my hydra partner Haruka was pretty cool

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boo small brain

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I think my hydra with moth kinda failed


we have the best hydra name by far

It wasn’t automatic tho

Nominate me so i can tk orange

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me and her have about the same idea so no

