Mafia Championships Season 7 Nominations


LLD saw to that :wink:

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I think the main problem is that we aren’t looking for skill per say when voting we are looking for someone who would advance.


A large part of that is skill tbf

What do they look for when deciding what would advance?

i think we gotta find someone who can dominate as town or scum. and I mean dominate.

I don’t care who gets it as long as they are the one with the chance to do the best.

They look for who they thought were the best.

It’s a vote for MVP

So you have to be good

And appear good

And not get killed N1

And not piss people off

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I can do exactly 1 of these things

Sign me up


Yeah, I feel like if you want a winner from here…you need someone with a well-rounded game and good reads. Skill is good but if they are too obvious they’d probably get killed early. Needs someone with an adaptable playstyle.

in order of importance

Is it the appearance one

It is isn’t it

It’s the not dying n1 part

Well, I probably won’t get killed early thats for sure

Not getting killed N1 or lynched D1 is pretty damn important to moving on

Wait no I died n1 in VMMM

Okay 0/4 sign me up

I think if you do the other parts the best it doesn’t matter a lot. Meaning lead a charge on the scum team with a fancy case while being super nice and die N1. As long as no other person does things like that you are good

But if you are lynched D1 there’s no way you get to move on.

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Well my playstyle is an interesting one, thats for sure