Mafia Championships Season 7 Nominations

that’s unfortunate

I was forced to either try and keep hard-defending a buddy or do the 180 on their slot we’d been planning, but now significantly earlier in the game, so I would have had no progression and it would have been, imo, an obvious bus

I didn’t manage to be particularly effective at saving him either

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what’s worse is that it was a modkill on town that led to that

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Big lesson here was don’t bank on other sites being so open to cfds

I was hoping I could make something happen in the last hour or half hour but half his wagon wasn’t online to swap even had I been a literal god at convincing people

my big lesson from that game was that I shouldn’t fuck up timezones

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fwiw I can confirm that MU and the Champs are open to cfds

fuck you shakespeare

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Orange have you been in Mafia Champs before?

Ye Season 5

how far did u get

As town I either get 0 or all scum no in between it’s weird



That being said I had like one of three successful saves from a nk of the whole event

So I’m p happy about that

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What is it like?

It’s like FM but FM-ier

I don’t know that’s a really wide question and I’m not sure what exactly you’re asking

Do you think you have improved from last time you have played

I mean, yeah

But I don’t know if I can really quantify that given the break?

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I believe in you, so ill vote for you