Mafia Nightfall Season 1 (4/16) -Town Wins!-

Missing my vote

/vote Light

~Vote Count~
Firekitten - Twil1ight (1/9)
Marluxion - Celeste (1/9)
Light - Marluxion, Orange (2/9)
sam - FireKitten (1/9)
Eevee - HTM (1/9)
Pug - Memesky (1/9)

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Does the bold mean something special btw?

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It means that its the leading lynch



/confirm and /vote Boss

~Vote Count~
Firekitten - Twil1ight (1/9)
Marluxion - Celeste (1/9)
Light - Marluxion, Orange (2/9)
sam - FireKitten (1/9)
Eevee - HTM (1/9)
Pug - Memesky (1/9)
Boss - Shurian (1/9)

Pug vote light with us

Ruh roh!

Light. I have a solution to save you! Vote who I’m voting!

me, seeing my ploy of inactivity in order to keep yall from suspecting me:



Simon is town

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Pulling a all nighter sorry if I’m inactive in like 6-9 hours ish

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Something anti town and gets lynched


/vote eevee amidoinitrite guys?

How about to explain your vote, boi?

Was just a joke