Remember that I am allowing more then 13 players so the class list may be suited to a 14, 15 16 ect. Player game. If we for some reason don’t get a signup before Monday then we will be at 12 players.
Basically this is a forum Town of Salem game
I guess whatever since your knew and stuff I might as well cut you some slack with the game. If it was other people I probs wouldn’t join this
so is that a join btw?
I’ve never played ToS. What makes it bad for a forum game? Too much time for town to talk?
Just be glad you never played it.
No I really like the game. It’s simplicity generates more deduction in a different way.
I mean the game wouldn’t be bad if they put more updates and added more role
Just they take too long for anything
I mean it’s a nice game but the devs never update ToS soooo
Also coven seems really rushed. Most classes suck
Cough when hex master is a better arso
Cough all neuts
I like how my game is compered to Tos a lot of roles aren’t even Tos ones some are some aren’t
Roles like cop or Doctor are very standard with Fm
We starting?
Eh most people on the Tos forums hate the Coven update I sometimes play ranked but that’s about it honestly I can’t really take too many Tos games without wanting to kill myself hence why I started playing TOL with more interesting roles
I’d say tol is just Bassically better Tos in a mafia/Werewolf based game, but I wish it had more people and game modes
Oh next monday rip
Well, yeah because Simon can’t start also extra people MIGHT want to join
Let other people take my spot if we aren’t close to Momday
What’s Momday