MafiaUniverse Hydra Event 2020



Otonokoji twins hydra :^)

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FoL Hydra Masterlist:

Arete + Katze: joy_nerd
Katze + Chloe: AYAYA
Arete + Trochi: Hummingnerd
Geyde + Trochi: joy_wowee
Orange + Sulit: ???
Alice + Vulgard: ???
Marshal + Light: Joy_Clownboy
Marshal + Sulit: Joy_Butter
Leafia + Whysper: Leafsper
Astand + Gorta: ???
Light + Trochi: Cringe Crusaders
Icibalus + Geyde: 3-3 Elk

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If anyone want hydra with me

Dm me or smn

We’re just invading this event lmao

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we are going to dominate this event

I really hope none of you guys are in my game

I wouldn’t be mad to be in same game as you
I think Me + Ici are going to be pretty fun to play with

i hope to be in none of my games
everyone who is will have brain damage be the end

I found a partner but their not fron FoL I’m betraying you all

i hope im in a game with you glgl

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cow is a godlike partner

oh god that is a hydra

wait is he actually with fucking cow

what the fuck

3/3 Elk LET’S GO

i know i’m dumb
but wtf is 3/3 Elk referring to

Magic the gathering iirc


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that only sorta helps but thank ya lol