MafiaUniverse Hydra Event 2020

i guarantee you i’m the more insufferable half of joy_wowee just you wait

Tbh I think Geyde’s more annoying.

ah you clearly haven’t been hanging around Trochi “my personality is gay and cringe” lidae long enough

i do not blame you lmao

Trochi is the kind of annoying that a crying toddler is. You want it to shut up but it is cute and it’s not that bad so you deal with it.

Geyde is the kind of annoying that’s a friend who is above average at most things and acts like he’s god tier at everything and like he’s a friend but also dude sometimes please just stfu.

it depends on which you consider more annoying


i hate toddlers
your analogy is perfect


what kind of annoying am I

You are the kind of annoying that is a friend from high school you are reconnecting with and have lunch and during that lunch they try to subtly plug HerbaLife or a different MLM and while it’s still fun to talk to the occasional MLM plugs are just like please no and WeirdChamp

Ooh ooh do me next

Being roasted by Marshal? Sounds fun, sign me up.

You are like if there is a sports team and you are 2 years older than all of the other players and you constantly talk about how cool the team used to be while blatantly trying to look cool by tryharding and talking about how the team this year sucks and how nobody knows how to pass the ball

You also show up to just about 2 games a year but are there every practice calling the qb’s form shit or similar.

You are fun to talk to outside of the game but in it many conversations with you end up being the equivilant of “yeah dude what you say sure sounds cool, i’m not sure but I’ll just take your word for iut haha” but the haha is a nervious chuckle

am i allowed to like
ask one of my friends who’s going to maybe post once
and join as an effective solo in a hyrda event

still looking for a partner and this sounds really fun


Do me

I ended up doing that when my partner was really busy D1 last year and was still like the fourth or fifth top poster

Not a great time and we got vigged N1 but it’s doable

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You are a movie critic who only gives “meh” or “bad” ratings and ignores all of the ones they like when reviewing movies.

You read their rotten tomatoes profile and it’s just like “please just say something positive about something, I get you are a cynical person but it’s slightly depressing”

marshal can you do me

do me :eyes:

If your FM playstyle was a type of humor it’d be repeating what someone else says after they say it in a funny voice.

Except It’s actually funny a lot of the time if you actually look in to it but everyone has stopped listening and kind of just tunes it out

Now now people

I have a quiz I was supposed to take 20 minutes ago

I could make the classically unfunny route of turning you saying “do me” into an innuendo and then dipping but I will instead just make this excuse and come back to it when I’m done becuase grades, or something.

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Marshal do me :wink: