MafiaUniverse Hydra Event 2020

I can hydra if you need one.

I want to give it a bit more time, but sure I will think on it

trochydras best hydras i don’t make the rules
Hummingnerd and joy_wowee rise up

also trochilight but that’s just a lifestyle

imagine hydraing

but vulgard what you fail to see is
we’re not


You don’t speak for all of us

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that is very true
everyone not named Trochilidae is extremely competent

anyone wanna
hydra with me

im inherently LHF and unfunny
hopefully you’re fine with that

i would if i weren’t already in 3 trochydras
i suppose i could go for a fourth but i am not sure how intensive these games usually are?


really shouldn’t

do 4

I feel like i’m stretching myself doing 2 but I also really like both of the people I’m hydraing with so the hype outweighs that

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hmm yeah 3 is probably a good limit for me tbh
i’m super hype for all three of y’all!

also has anyone played in one of these before, i’m interested to see how this’ll go down?

I mean i’ve done hydra games before (not specifically hydra event)

That one on MU didn’t really, uh, go well

I know vul / arete hydrad in the event iirc

we should coordinate some of these to have as many FoL hydras in a game as possible :eyes:

joy_nerd and Hummingnerd in the same game, let’s go

joat^2 is now arete^2

this is obviously the best outcome

wait how do you even know this
where can one find this info

the joke is that arete is in both hydras and thus that is not possible

i think they were memeing cause arete’s in both of em lmao

integrity breach integrity breach

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ninja’d me