MafiaUniverse Hydra Event 2020

Is counting TL as a ToL person really apt

i have no idea, i’d seen him here a lot so i figured so?

Jesus H. Christ there’s a GH/Newcomb hydra

should i be scared?

Not if you rand villa.

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this is still the best name in the entire event

i was going to say how my names were obviously superior but no
you’re actually completely right

Unless they rand scum

Actually no

If they’re alive D2 they’re scum

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idk man

you’re competing with Cthuwu

reasonable i guess

bbtbh beats literally all of them, fuck you

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Yeah but that’s not new

repeat hydra names don’t count

if it ain’t broke don’t fix it

right but like it can only be the best the year it’s introduced

gotta keep things fair

what about WolvesInShepsClothing tho

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oh my god there’s a Tim/Alison hydra

I want to be in that game