I dont think it’s good enough to do much in dimir flash.
Theres actually a p good rakdos rogue I use in my judith deck
true but Rakdos Mill is not a well-known archetype for a reason
oh yeah that’s pretty good
insert Hydra’s Growth joke here
Damn they rlly committing to counter theme ay
still can’t believe an actual human being wanted Hydra’s Growth to be banned from Standard lul
Did u see they made an ajanis pridemate enchantment
probably not going to be as good because Auras are just you asking to be 2-for-1ed
garruk bacc
Sticking it on a healers hawk and holding up a bunch of dumb protection spells/that creature which sacks to protect sounds fun.
Alseid of Life’s Bounty is alright but it can’t really carry Mono-White Lifegain through the early game like Pridemate could
watch as hippo fails to bring out his End-Raze Forerunners with the Emblem and promptly loses to ici’s fuckin rakdos mill OTK
Seems decent I guess. A little uninspired (especially alt that’s so boring) but cld do some fun combos with other garruk cuz wolves dying add loyalty to al garruks I’m p sure
They printed a dauntless bodyguard esque creature on a doggo.
I think they’re pushing for weenies to be viable again maybe
i feel like every single doggo will only ever be played in Naya Cats/Dogs
You know it
and Rin and Seri are probably not good enough to carry Naya Cats/Dogs
Let’s have a doggo cat fight in brawl where were both doggo cat commander and best pack wins