Magnus's Venting Thread

I’m not a peasant, though. I have a man on the inside.

Yes but you don’t seem to have any defined limits, logic, nor a consistent character. You seem to be acting out the desires of the person behind the screen, so of course I’m making several comparisons to real life here.

If you could teleport across continents, have a sword, but need to raise up an army…

Why wouldn’t you just teleport to where I live and kill me?

Moreover, why would you even care about my existence with that power? You don’t need a spy if you can teleport

The person behind the screen is a 60 year Chuck with 500lb who lives in his mum’s basement.
not really

I can’t tp :frowning:
I’m just making you have an existential crisis. With luck, you will pass.

There’s intentionality there.
I think you would find being ‘another cog in the machine’ in an RP would help you with being self-conscious

Because right now I see a lot of problems with how your RPing could ruin the time of others also rping.

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i like rp’s.
Searches for the Power Stone.

I have a cohost though. Besides, I need to work out some anger now, so i don’t disturb the Godcard misc/rp.

This is what I mean.
Your first instinct above all else is to win in any given situation.

A character wants to win, but they also need to fail just as much when they are outmatched

I’m trying to help you understand your thinking when it comes to rping

As a host you need to play for the players, and any opportunity to make their characters have more emotional / character depth is something that adds value to them, and ties it deeper within the narrative

You don’t know how i’d act during an rp, because i haven’t played in an rp on this forum yet.

I can see signs from how you are interacting with me here alongside your DMing when it came to SCP.

Specifically I would bring up the situation with the inactives.

I have school.

It wasn’t what you did, it’s how you did it!

Get the inactive D-class to do something, that’s a good choice.
How you went about doing it was forcing it

And how?

‘049 extends their hand out to the dclass, they will need to avoid it’

Forced encounters are the problem there
If activity was a problem contact the players OoT

So make it natural?
Also where did I say that? 096 was a player, if you recall. It was Isaac.

Main thread

Oh sorry.