Make noble great again

I personally really like new noble, but other people think it is lame. SO, I suggest a compromise:

-Noble would have order and royal decree as night abilities (no crier, crier is terrible)
-Noble would have noble spy with 1-day cool down as day ability

  • If all this proves to be under powered, give it one more day ability with 2 uses for double vote in next trial
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Patience is a virtue

Noble changes are coming

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Next patch: Bos deletes Noble cause everyone hates it regardless of what he does with it.

I don’t hate noble but other people do so this was m suggestion to stop them whiners

It’s the people!

Don’t do it.

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The current night and day abilities are only useful if you manage to get to late game without becoming king and even then it may not help.
crier was terrible but atleast i could do something every night instead of hoping for conversion or death.

In my experience, lots of nobles are also being executed even if they’re BD, simply because they can’t prove that they’re not Unseen. The class also does not seem to be important enough to not warrant lottery executions. I’m not saying that the class isn’t useful late into the game, I think the decrees and extra votes are very helpful late game, but, from what I’ve seen, nobles almost never make it that far.

I liked noble with the secret whispers :slight_smile: Although it wasn’t very noble