Marson - Mafia Chat

We could do a let me death tunnel the Hja

I make so many wrong reads (And I believe Alice will back me up here) it’s literally impossible to turn an alignment from me.

Wait, hello?

Kyo, you there?

I think douse Alice tbh >_>

Who are you dousing? You have 3 Hours and 15 Minutes

Yeah thats why XD

Urgh dousing Alice is kinda risky, when she flips ppl gonna be all over her reads…

/douse Geyde

Dousing Geyde seems to be a better choice rn

You can change this as much as you want for 3 hours and 10 Minutes.

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But Kyo
Where u XD

@KyoDaz you did not post at least 5 posts during the second 24 hours of Day 1.

Please rectify this or you will be replaced.

@Shurian I have come to the conclusion we are absolutely screwed. Let’s use this to our advantage and I’ll go on a self-sacrifice mission of trying to have towncore hung, except you of course.

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Shurian how funny would it be if I made a like 20000 word post by copy/pasting everything I said in SFoL: 53 Day 1 and just replaced names and alignments with CTRL + F


“I’m clearly town and here’s the reason why:”

“Insert decent reads relevant to this game: 300 words”
“Insert random SFoL: 53 posts: very long words”
“Insert decent reads relevant to this game: 300 words”

My plan right now is to be looking like absolutely bored town. I think that’s my only option here.

I’m also going to act like I’m completely ignorant and didn’t know Icibalus was lynched.

I might’ve actually been caught on forum mechanics.
I totally checked the pings but I’m pretty sure what I described wouldn’t have slipped me as checking them.

Haven’t read the thread though. Just the pings.
Pretty sure they were all against me.

Oh my god Shurian we’re both a bunch of idiots this game
You’ve voted Luxy.
We’re screwed unless we pull off these major tactics.

Heyy youre here

Yeah I’m here.
Anything you want to discuss?