It is pretty quick, although I fully encourage your life style.
Hi Minho, welcome to the community I hope you have a good time here.
I do have a question though. Is they a good pronoun for you in the case of unsureness of pronouns in the future. I know some people arent a fan of they, so I’m just checking with you to make sure beforehand. Otherwise I’ll use him/he or she/her depending on if I know.
Well other than that have a great day and if you are interested in forum mafia there are plenty of signups atm
There are alot of signups.
On mobile it doesnt show that at least when I click on it, maybe if I go to the full profile but not on three profile thing
how do we know when she is a he or she
Check his profile. Earlier her profile said she was a girl. Now it says he’s a guy.
It’s not that difficult.
Yeah so i have to click twice to check, it’s not to bad, and yeah I see my answer no they
is they fine
Based on the profile description no
Don’t do they.
what do i do then
Check their profile and go with what it says
Always search up the profile I suppose…
Also, @Minho I could have missed it, but is there a calendar for when your gender switches? Like a record so I can at least have a pattern I can follow; I am kinda the airhead when it comes to things like this and may go type the wrong thing at the wrong time
I don’t have a calandar. It’s every few days to a week. The shortest time will be atleast a few hours.
Ah, I understand! Thanks for answering my question :3
It’s a scale