Me and Mine —-—

It is pretty quick, although I fully encourage your life style.

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Hi Minho, welcome to the community I hope you have a good time here.
I do have a question though. Is they a good pronoun for you in the case of unsureness of pronouns in the future. I know some people arent a fan of they, so I’m just checking with you to make sure beforehand. Otherwise I’ll use him/he or she/her depending on if I know.
Well other than that have a great day and if you are interested in forum mafia there are plenty of signups atm


There are alot of signups.


Also image

On mobile it doesnt show that at least when I click on it, maybe if I go to the full profile but not on three profile thing

how do we know when she is a he or she

Check his profile. Earlier her profile said she was a girl. Now it says he’s a guy.

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It’s not that difficult.

Yeah so i have to click twice to check, it’s not to bad, and yeah I see my answer no they

is they fine

Based on the profile description no

Don’t do they.

what do i do then

Check their profile and go with what it says



Always search up the profile I suppose…

Also, @Minho I could have missed it, but is there a calendar for when your gender switches? Like a record so I can at least have a pattern I can follow; I am kinda the airhead when it comes to things like this and may go type the wrong thing at the wrong time

I don’t have a calandar. It’s every few days to a week. The shortest time will be atleast a few hours.

Ah, I understand! Thanks for answering my question :3

So @Minho what’s ur Profile Pic, is it from some show or game?

It’s a scale :thinking: