Me and Mine —-—

I’m not sure how anyone is expected to understand others if genuine questions about their experience are shot down as “disrespectful”


That kind of closed-mindedness is pretty much what leads to fear of those who are different in the first place


she. respect the pronouns.

I say they for everyone. It’s a safe bet

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wait but i thought they was gender neutral

nani the mierda

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True, maybe I am just too sensitive.

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Gender neutral is non-binary/mid-spectrum.
Gender-fluid means switching from one to the other daily or weekly or whenever.

welcome welcome. have a great time here. that’s a mandatory thing, have food time so sorry about that :slight_smile:


But I thought gender neutral terms were invented so people that identify as some gender I don’t know, I don’t have to play a whack-a-mole game on guessing their gender

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No. They were invented so you can identify as you want to.

But how am I supposed to refer to anyone as IRL w/o knowing their name/gender?

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Ask them.

i use they/them unless i know their gender. saves hassle.


Check her Description.

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wait i thought this was off topic not fm. this kinda feels like white knighting to me but hey what do i know

But… so If I’m on a business call with a co-worker and they ask me how a gender fluid person is, I’m supposed to call them and say “Hi, what gender do you Identify as today?”

let’s notvget into the flaming dumpster fire that is gender identity politics, gotta get three years here yknow


And…this thread is kinda getting out of hand :thinking:

No I’m just trying to understand how using they/them is somehow mis-gendering

I know…