Meme Turbos (AYAYA)

poss puppet stringed me into liking the post >:(

i am back and ready to procrastinate

ok so cheese also wants in

we could run this

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but with only image posts

i’ll root fo u

wait this is just LyLo^2

me wants in

but if its better at 6p ill spec

can we talk about how bayonetta has the best OSTs of any video game
even trumping dark souls 3

looks good to me.

i wanna play too so we could have 8

cop 9 is 9

:eyes: chleb

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eh i can play somethin


idk what we playin

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psychic power

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linking this before the game starts


tl;dr leave fake peeks as town

[quote=“Marshal, post:157, topic:82948, full:true”]

  1. Arete
  2. sulit
  3. Wazza
  4. KyoDaz
  5. PsychoKang
  6. clonedcheese
  7. TBE
  8. chloe
  9. katze?

this look good?

cop9 with only images and emojis and votes legal?


thats still 8 doe

wait did arete in

im faking a red

I hate you all.

looks legal to me as long as you pull my eyes out.