Meme Turbos (AYAYA)

called it smh

am i blind

1v2 is lylo
1v3 is mylo
1v4 is 1 night from lylo

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1 v 4 isnā€™t MyLo

the reason we no-executed at 4 players alive (MyLo, or misexecute-and-lose) is that it forced Mafia to kill someone (which therefore meant I couldnā€™t be voted)

Chloe is saying that if we hadnā€™t no-executed it would have given her a better chance

if you execute a town


4 total

this is a gamer moment

(to be fair i did have wolf reads on everybody i pushed but they mostly just consisted of ā€œrandom voted lolā€

Amelia lowposting


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I wasnā€™t pinged for the game so I kept trying to say I was late no ping.

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Yes I am bastard extra scum

Aka u all lost

but i won

i fail to see the joke here

/dayvig amelia

that was a RT

get gamered

I locktowned PK after the no-kill because I didnā€™t think he would ever think to do that as scum

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it was kyos idea

much to big brain for petty things like strategy

which is why i couldnt kill sulit

life sucks

last kill was hard

where is Mafia chat

I locktowned you after locktowning PK

in deadchat

one sec