Meme Turbos (AYAYA)

aw crap here we go again

well if you in then its 6

and its a 5p setup :^)

no it’s too late for that, I already put soft cheese on them.

that’s 6

do GI

actually wait you’re really smart so imma try it.

you can always
you know
go microwave the cheese too


the nerds can play their weird ic jester thing

you’re weird, just in so we can play smthn

no chloe come back

The link name seems appropriate.


you’re weird ):<

it worked

1 Like

if there arent good 6p setups
i can sit out and watch 5p things

its not a big ol deal to chlo

  • play jester/ic setup
  • no

0 voters


I’m now sad but slightly happier because I’m eating warm bagels.

my cheese melted.

I’m now sad again.

also im only considering votes from those 5 people

cause chloes a nerd