I’ll throw here the quick Clan resumes I hand out to my players.
Crab Clan
"We are the Wall! "
The rigid Crabs are the defenders of Rokugan, responsible for ensuring that the Empire’s southern border is safe from the demons of the Shadowlands. Centuries of constant war against inhuman opponents have turned Crabs into immensely powerful and brutally practical warriors, but they have little use in civility or manners. As a result, they are normally considered brutes and barbarians by other clans.
Intra-clan relations: The Hiruma are close to all the families of the clan due to the versatility of the family, and basically the only one within the clan near of the introverted Kuni. The co-dependency relationship within the clan is firmly established and it is very rare that there is any internal dispute or conflict between families. The Kaiu are also especially close to the Yasuki - they make the means of transporting their goods, and the Yasuki bring materials for their engineering projects.
✣ Hida Family ✣
" I w i l l n o t f a l l . "
The descendants of the Kami Hida are the largest and most powerful samurai in the entire Empire. The burden of defending the Empire falls on them, and they are incredible warriors and talented defensive strategists.
Hida Samurai sometimes resent other Clans for enjoying their protection while still mocking the Crab for its mannerisms.
Bonus: +1 Strength
✣ Hiruma Family ✣
" W e a r e l i k e s m o k e o n t h e w i n d. "
Silent and deadly, the Hiruma are the Crab’s scouts and yojimbo. They are agile and graceful while the Hida are powerful, and warriors from both families tend to complement each other very well. Hiruma samurai sometimes have the unhealthy duty of exploring the Shadowlands in search of enemies, a task that leads many to death or ruin.
Bonus: +1 Agility
✣ Yasuki Family ✣
" M a y y o u r c u p b e a l w a y s f u l l a n d y o u r h a n d s n e v e r e m p t y. "
Strangely different from the other Crab families, the Yasuki are slim in physique and quick to think. They were once part of the Crane Clan, but they joined the Crab in the third century, sparking Rokugan’s first major internal war. They are merchants and courtiers, always looking for ways to gain advantages for their Clan, and tend to be more concerned with monetary gain than what is considered respectable for someone of the samurai caste.
Bonus: +1 Awareness
✣ Kuni Family ✣
" I k n o w o u r e n e m y. " – K u n i Y o r i.
Sinister in appearance and deed, the Kuni are among the most feared shugenja families in the Empire. The family leadership long ago determined that the only hope of defeating the Shadowlands was to understand them, and so the Kuni have knowledge of things that would drive many other men mad.
Bonus: +1 Intelligence
✣ Kaiu Family ✣
" T h e s t r e n g t h o f a m o u n t a i n l i e s o n i t s b a s e. "
The industrious Kaiu are responsible for the most impressive and ancient engineering feats in the entire Empire. They are the siege engineers and architects of the Crab Clan, and are responsible for keeping the Carpenter’s Great Wall at the height of their defenses.
Bonus: +1 Intelligence