Mercenary (Neutral Support) - Unique
Contracted (Passive) - You’ll be assigned a random target, your also occupation and redirection immune.
Faluire (Passive) - If your first contract dies you’ll have one Stand guard and 2 Bounties only, if your second contract dies you’ll commit suicide. (You’ll have two days to select a new contract or you’ll automatically die).
Offer Contract (Day) - Make someone permanently your contract.
Bounty (Day) - Occupy a player if they visit your current contract - 4 Uses.
Stand Guard (Night) - Occupy players visiting your contract tonight - 3 Uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill a player who you Occupied with Bounty - 2 Uses.
Goal: Make sure your current Contract Survives.
Current Mercenary would be renamed into a new class or vise versa.
-Starting target cannot be a Unique BD
-Can be Neutral If, Alchemist, Sellsword, Sorcrer or Reaper.