MFoL 1: The Deadly Secret[Game Over]

I’d like to point out this game had a completely different joke, where your rolecards all had different factions, and seperate wincons

Class Cards


Sailor Killer
Captain’s Judgement - You may kill a player during the night, if you kill a Sailor you will die in their place - Infinite Uses
You must eliminate the Mutineers and any Neutrals that wish to cause you harm


Lawmen Investigator
Interrogation - Investigate a player to see if they are one of your fellow Lawmen - Infinite Uses
You must eliminate the Outlaws and any Neutrals that wish to cause you harm

Ousted King

Royal Court Support
Noble Expertise - Protect a player from being killed - Infinite Uses
You must eliminate the Pretender King’s cronies, as well as any Neutrals that wish to cause you harm

Lotus Chef

Lotus Eater Offensive
Delicious Meal - Occupy a player - Infinite uses
You must eliminate those who wish to leave the island


Moderator Killer
Banhammer - Kill a player tonight - 1 use
You must eliminate the Trolls and any Neutrals that wish to cause you harm


Robot Social
Skilled in Communication - You may send anonymous messages to people, one per day, one per night - Infinite Uses
You must eliminate the Human Resistance and any Neutrals that wish to cause you harm


Survivor Special
Gun Craft - You may give a gun to a player, they can shoot a player the next day - 1 use
You must eliminate the Undead and any Neutrals that wish to cause you harm

Undead Outlaw Troll Pirate Pretender King from the Human Resistance who wishes to leave the island(UOTPPKftHRwwtltI)

Rig Bomb - If you still live on Day 5, you will rig a bomb, it will explode at the end of Day 7
Game Mechanic - This class is exclusive to the game host, also you take 1 vote less than majority to execute
You must survive until the end of Day 7

But then the joke sorta became a neverending night phase


/replace in

we need MFoL 2 lol

/replace in

What a responsible mod we have.
Necrobumping is the sign of an incredibly useful member of the community.

It’s not necromancy if the thread never got to die :^)

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/replace in

may I please host MFoL 2

so when I said this everyone must have just thought I was trolling lol

also called it lol

technically the rolecards didn’t lie to anyone


Wait doesn’t multiball count as bastard?
Let alone super multiball…



MFoL 2 hosted by me pls?