Midnight Turbo - Grand Idea - [2/8] - The Mafia [Katze & Apprentice] Win!

wait why is kat confirmed

whys italy confirmed

/vote sulit
i have the thread up rn
you’ll be confirmed upon death

im not

im actually not sure why italy is disregarding the chance thats its me because i dont actually trust anyone

light definitely doesnt know the scumteam

but he could still be EK?


Soolit - kat, italy - 2

because in a 1v1 the game goes to rand
and we all know i’ll yeehaw anyone in a duel

I’m essentially a normal king

I also can’t vote today for some reason

i DIE upon death dummy

confirmed as in d e a d

you what

I was confused earlier because my wincon was just “wincon”

so I was like well wtf am i supposed to do

640 is a vengeful IC


no its

literally vanilla town but worded funny

1 Like

/vote italy


Soolit - kat, italy - 2
Italy - soolit - 1


no u

the fact that amelia flipped irl cop means that a nightkill was missed n1