[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!



I can resolve for sure during Day 2. I also have an ability that can allow me to resolve Night 1 unless some shit happens.

All my instincts are telling me that Nappy is lying to be honest.

for sure means that if you don’t resolve, as soon as d2 starts (or as soon as you are on), you are willing to be mass ITAd?

haha imagine sleeping

Imagine sleeping 1/3 of your life. :slight_smile:

No because I can resolve Day 2 as well

if you shoot a wolf before you sleep you can feel all good inside and shit

then I’ll be too excited to sleep

i’m saying that if you don’t resolve d2 you are fine with dying?

Marshal is right. Shoot Light. It’ll give us a lot of valuable info regardless of his alignment.

Ok nappy by resolve do you mean 100% town never rescind

Or “yes I have this ability that I can do”

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Not really but then I would find it acceptable from a thread perspective.

I said depending on the way I used it, I can prove I’m a member of the town.

So that’s a no

That’s a yes

Nappy’s howling big time here.

You’ve done nothing that makes me not want to shoot you tbh

Shoot Nappy Sulit. Go on. Do it!