[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

nobody say anything rn I want @Napoleon’sanswer

Wait, weren’t you converted back earlier by the Chloe role Marshal?

no I wasn’t

just let nap answer the q

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Okay. I must’ve misremembered then.

I see no one else is taking up my offer to discuss my take on Solic.

Am just getting back for alittle what’s your take?

The way things are going, this game is going to be all about Napoleon being self resolving or not. When what we should be doing is trying to solve everyone’s slot.
I don’t like Solic’s entrance that much. It seems odd for a townie to make.

@Napoleon u can’t just dip after that cmere

i wanna SR crich for the abominations he’s posting

i also know this is standard CRich shit

What exactly looks off for you on that?
I havn’t read the entrence i think atleast.

Now you’re here TrustworthyLib, your thoughts on Solic?

to sr or not to sr

tis the question

whether is is nobler

Sulit shoot light. Now.

Does this answer your question TrustworthyLib?




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I have a null read on them from what i have read. They have not been my focus as theu post but they were active while i was on. None of their unique posts stood out to me which is NAI most of the time but nothing i really liked.


I could be tunnelling on Solic here unfairly, though his entrance is simply too strange to ignore.

Solic probs scum

Yeah that does seem off.
is Solic ussaly like this as town i know of two others i play with that are like this but outside of that i agree it is a very werid entrence. Last time i played i think i had them as a town read D1 but that was a good few months ago.