[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

He can be ITAed tomorrow Sulit kills light today.

If he’s telling the truth, you lynch me. I’ll say no more on it though as it’s clear to me now that everyone else is convinced that him being Chloe is a possibility.

Can we move on

who is this “she” we’re talking about again
i really dont want to read

We’re giving Napoleon a chance to prove themselves tomorrow. I veto Napoleon dying today.

That’s now how you win as town

No one has been listening to my reads because I’ve been scumread this entire game and she wasn’t HESISTANT at all when trying to kill me.

She even tried to fish whether I was Chloe or not.

we gave you an out

just claim that you could self-resolve d2

you could just prove you were chloe

but you didn’t do that and instead claimed

if we could refrain from claiming from now on

BECAUSE IT WAS OBVIOUS that I WAS CHLOE because I’m not a fucking wolf



Like I would have been NK’ed for sure

ah yes

but this is going to change everything

Yes I do because you all fucking scumread me

This is becoming a circus. Facepalm moment.


The only thing is that the only way you’d be night killed for sure is if you were Chloe and claimed that you were Chloe.

if it was obvious you were still going to die

all you had to do is say that you could 100% resolve d2 (and you could)

you didn’t have to flavorclaim. You might now be liable to claim vig

im starting to doubt my sanity

Well it SHOULD change things considering that I outted as the last PR