[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

That’s already been decided on. Either Napoleon is Chloe and telling the truth or he’s a liar. It’s either of those two scenarios.

Solic, you’re one of a few slots here that I would say isn’t just spewing out white noise (seriously, even something as spicy as a d1 nightvig is just an accident) and I’d prefer it if you didn’t waste your time pushing me, since you’re probably (well, think probably but with more conviction than the word usually implies) a villager.

If I’m lying I just sealed my own doom

I am too tired for deep thoughts right now

then take a break from the thread instead of clogging it

You know the routine at this point

I’m totally fine with you having lower volume if the posts you put out are high-quality.

Yeah my point exactly. I do think you’re telling the truth about your slot being self resolving because of the two scenarios I mentioned in replying to Gorta.

1k posts to catch up on beep boop here I go

I am going to sleep real soon, but I want to watch a bit of youtube and then make a vote before sleeping

I should point out that readwise i’m not going to be producing like, elaborate PoEs or anything, I’m just going to be finding villagers and killing one or two wolves. With a game this big and a thread this weirdly blank, focusing on the high level is not going to be particularly helpful, especially since we’ve all seen how poor my high-level villa play is.


Iv come to the conclusion @DatBird wrote the wall for light

I think that’s a sensible way to prioritise my resources right now, and you can call me a wolf all you want for it.

I want to talk to soolit

Explain? This take seems dumb as shit but I’m not going to judge if the reasoning is good.

soolit is here

I am just eating unhealthy amounts of cereal

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Why do you think they are town? Their reads contain a lot of hedges on hedges.

Maybe that’s their way of how to say null, but these double-sided statements typically come from scum (look how meta that was :upside_down_face: )

For me they are null still.

argh that felt terrible tone-wise sorry for making you read that