[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

vote light or looser

caught scum


That’s not what I saw tbh

No vote Sulit ree


@eevee @Firekitten @Arete can we get an in thread VC plz

So I can vig light tonight


Just look at the vote thread

…can you vig the CW?

We lynch Sulit and force light to flavor claim so I can vig

That’s not been updated for a bit anyway

I would prefer to lynch two wolves

I think liberal might be scum too.

He’s been dropping for me, so yeah.

Oh your claiming a night Vig not a day my mistake.

If your right I still don’t think we flip Sujit before light but Roleblock them upon a light Scum flip.

Currently wanna look back and see if I can learn anything with these flips.

You can believe that but your hella wrong.

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I’m a night flavor vig yes

Think Sulit is town, not like she was the only one who shot Mist and the Cheese shot looked reasonable. Her dayplay is fine too

You’re scum too

@ChopChop what’s your flavor?