[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

You’re right Marshal.

no its actually predictave though.
because i think it will happen at a certain time, but that time designed so that we’d have no less than a certain number of players (with maximum possible kills).
so yall know balance.
what should the average kills-per-cycle be.

how does that help us at the present moment

from that, we can construct a time, to expect mod elections at

again does that help us find scum

mechanical speculation with no evidence whatsoever is wasteful

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Simon, it isn’t important when the elections happen. I would also love to see Italy be a bit more active.






I don’t

do this shit in your classcard and post your conclusions in a wallpost

it’s entirely uselss and clutters thread

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sampling for reads based on peoples answers and their reactions.
its kinda like a large reaction test that also functions for me and my mechanical wishes

no its not

just a bad play which wastes us time

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except i really cant do that.
because i dont know balance.
anything i can do on my own ive already posted

Let’s spend 4 hours talking about ham

also hi everyone, im here now. I still feel like shit and absolutely will not have the WiM to backread today, but I’ll do my best to develop new gut reads in real time.

“it was a reactiontest lot”


people yelling at you for speculating on mech DOES NOTHING FOR ALIGNMENTS

gtfo with that shit please and thank you


Click on someone’s name. Isolate their posts. Scroll down. Reach a conclusion. Say that conclusion.

Simon is now a scumlean for me for wanting to clutter up the thread like this. Definitely in the PoE.

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no that was my defense for why other people should accept it, but it really isnt why im talking about this

I only have 23 more posts for the day

i’m going to ration them now



For example, ISO SDA. Over 100 of his posts probably talk about killing me in some way or form.

and i stand by that i get more scum reads/kills via mech stuff than i do by not.
so :man_shrugging: