[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

alot of it reminds me of insurgency, where he just didnt have like any like care in the world. He has no basis for his “ita shot” other than they were on the bottom half of alices read list, even though that was the null zone. Like he could have shot lower which would have been better in most peoples eyes. But didnt.

hi I’m good wbu

My left cheek

overall feeling good, other than I gotta work on my portfolio some time today

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Face cheek or butt cheek?

I understand your logic yet kind of want you dead
interesting thought

reason I don’t like going for mode is how they are sleeper wagon

interesting is there a reason for this?

I want to dig deeper into mole, but I got some bad vibes from them earlier


Ah. I see. Who was it that was calling Nappy town even without his Chloe claim?

dat can’t be voted today

so if not mode, who are better choices for the lynch today, and why?


I can vig mode

Hey N who’s your top candidate for lynch today

Light and Mode are the choices. Both are good ones I think.

I’ll trust you on that too Derps.

im not a fan of either of the two biggest wagons today
my top candidate is probably a tie between leafia and simon
i’ve already explained why i scumread both of them, and my reasoning has yet to change

Alright. Do you have infinite vigs or limited?

the case against light, i find a much greater chance that it’s all bullshit than actually significant
it is possible for peoples’ tones and syntax to change, you know

If you have infinite, I’ll unvote. Otherwise, I’d rather save your shot.

yah it’s a tinfoil and what seems like a different one

but i’d much rather lynch someone like mode or italy who are just sitting there doing nothing and who are known for sitting there and doing nothing as wolf

that’s fair
I’ve never really detected either of them doing anything that notable activity-wise regardless of alignment
even though they tend to be a bit more inactive as scum