[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


Alright. I’m in the middle of a valorant match, but I’ll make it afterward.

I would appreciate you claiming before we lynch you tho

Yeah. That would be nice.

maybe one of the easy lynches that are in meta

Claiming would make no sense, roles and alignments are randomized.

It should be pretty obvious why I want them dead


You gonna die either way so it wouldn’t hurt you go claim

I could let you live to action tonight and kill you at night if I think you have a usefull night action

Shh dont encourage it, remember I used to be low-poster killer in previous game which was pretty useless :stuck_out_tongue:

Because u dont want to bicker with them /s

I don’t have a useful night action N1.

Mode / Italy lynch is ‘yeah, I guess that’s a good idea’ territory
If I had to choose between them I’d go italy

Claim anyways you’re gonna die either way and I’d like to know what you are

And light?

Claims mean nothing, I’m well aware you’re just doing this so you can shoot me.

surprised by lack of italy wagon despite that being the easiest to make a case for
other main wagons make some sense to exist

An Italy lynch I’m meh with. Not good, but not necessarily bad.

I haven’t read light for more than three seconds
I’m going to read them eventually, but idrc for now

I switched back to Light.