[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

My vote’s on him rn.

I thought we were gonna shoot Mode but whatever

It just doesn’t make sense to me why you’d suddenly change your mind if you’re town. I mean, you could still be town and have decided to learn from your mistakes. That’s a possibility.

My d1 reads are all over the place

This reminds me of what you did to PKR in Insurgency

Easy. When I speak, I am going to act like I have no information to contradict certain ones of these, that way it will give all the possibilities.

There are a few possibilities:
1 - Apprentice is Chloe. Apprentice outing Napoleon gives cred but the role literally is IC and likely has other powers. I highly doubt huge town power role just outs unless they have 0 kill power and 0 ways to out the truth.

2 - Apprentice is Marshal. Literally when Napoleon flipped discussion fell to ‘who is Marshal’? Apprentice as Marshal could be any faction logically, so let’s work out why they do what they do as all factions.

T: Town Marshal role would out Napoleon simply because Napoleon lied as Apprentice has claimed, including the fact that Napoleon made fully fleshed out abilities. I understand that Napoleon lied, but, Napoleon could’ve provided cover for the real Chloe and would be outed should they be shot, the actual Chloe self-revealed or they were cop checked. Due to this I struggle to find where Town!Apprentice decides that an instant kill is worth the potential risk on the final IC who if killed, scum gain immense powers potentially.

M: Mafia Marshal role is a possibility and one I will not overlook. Just because a mafia member had a neighbourhood chat with someone else, it does not prove the second party as innocent. This easily could be a wolf theatre because Apprentice is so strongly set up from that gambit that now Apprentice is being almost globally towncored. Furthermore, Napoleon’s role was one which starts off weak and slowly becomes stronger the more scum we kill. If Apprentice is also mafia, they could have analysed whether the wait was worth it and decided it wasn’t, this is speculation however.

N: Neutral Marshal role, I am unsure exactly what wincon it would have, so I am going to try and split it into the normal ToS variants of Neutral Benign, Neutral Evil. Neutral Killing. Neutral Benigns are usually helpful roles, but they aim to live a long time. By exposing Napoleon’s lie, NB roles would gain a ton of time which is often what they need. Neutral Evil Marshal role is the one I think is the least likely, but I will touch upon it. If Apprentice is NE, then exposing the lie would seem to be counterintuitive, however, it gives Apprentice a lot of time and say they are actually NE, this could have been orchestrated between them both, Apprentice knowing the team and gaining enough cred to assist them. NK Marshal role gains a free kill, gains a ton of cred and is one step closer to victory. I really do not need to elaborate on why a NK does what they do.

3 - Apprentice and Napoleon were both just scum so Apprentice could call Napoleon out, gain cred and if questioned for a claim can protect themselves because 2 town things could have done that, being Chloe and Marshal. This provided 2 safeclaims they could hand pick from whenever they need to.

Holy fuck, stop it.

That actually makes sense Light, since it is pretty similar I will admit. Except with PKR, I started pushing to lynch him and calling him scum.

I have to cover every possibility to make it fair.

Guyyyys Kyo SCOOOOOM

There is no point in role speculation, PKR.

There are no safeclaims here. Every role is based on a player that initially signed in, also flavor is not AI.

Where did it say that?
I just know it’s to do with forumers, part of our community, not necessarily people who joined this game.
Unless I missed something.

Please don’t lynch mode let me be usefull

No the roles are all people in the game

i wonder what id technically be put as for a role since my names techwolves

Disagree here. The wolves could have used Nap’s gambit as a way to make the real Chloe out themselves. I don’t think App would claim that early.

Where did it say that?
I must have missed something.

tbh even if he is wolf scum are going to have a way to protect him almost certainly

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