[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Oh yeah by the way I was one of the people with incorrect target whatevs lol

So flame me for wasting 6 hours

marshal was pink . . .
blue killed him

I have a tidbit, technically.
its not important and i dont intend to share right now, but im saying this as a jokey response to pkr

although this is not just a joke. i genuinely do have a tidbit, regarding last night. although this is wildly vague so i could see why someone might not believe it

dialup noises
derps are you ok

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Yeah I just realized o had it backwards


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This information is only relevant in certain circumstances and therefore I am not going to give that information until the end of the day to help with night actions.

ITAs start 2h after day start and end 2h before EoD.

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I’m sad now I don’t know marshals flavor

I have info regarding it but alas it is lost along with him

It’s a shame I didn’t get how to pick valid targets for my night action.
Anyway I’ve got mech info which I’ll share near EoD.


neither am i
welcome to the “mentally unwell” club

I also know a flavor that Solic is not

Not that it helps

also i just noticed i was pink in the post lol

So uh

Audino why but I have a feeling that the help I was seaking for was from the inactives…

even if lots of people have mechanical information
please don’t throw social solving out the window
for the love of god

…this isn’t exactly a PoE.

Blue/Pink are 50/50 here.

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I know one he is, if that helps

Kyo is both blue and low on marshals list, likely they did the kill gonna look more tho

Who said we’re throwing social solving out the window?