[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Lol then we shoot light

L1ght says their ability is positive utility but won’t reveal what type of ability it is…
And I caught L1ght visit Marsh.

Marshal was a consensus TR. Why would a wolf NK a deepwolf like this if Marshal was a wolf as well?

… This logic is terrible and on top of that it’s wrong
You only target cross-faction LOL

I want L1ght to confirm they did indeed visit Marsh.

What would be your shot list?

I’m brain dead

Lets wait till L1ght talks before we do anything regarding his slot.

I don’t know why I keep mixing that up

Anyways gotta go

I think while he is aren’t guaranteed v, odds are over 95% in the favour of Marshall being v

That’s assuming scum did they killing based on how good the player was, while being a Chloe candidate.

What do you not have that Marshal has, for scum to kill Marshal and not you?

Dont feel good prob be back in five, gonna grab some meds

i’m fighting to stay awake rn
do i actually go to sleep
or do i continue to play half awake
the hardest of choices require the strongest of wills

not all kills are going to be scumkills
and given how banned mechanics work I suspect wacko shit. Marshal was trying very hard to strongarm town yesterday.

I would also say “I think half their wolfreads are town” and even if marshal was v they could have targeted them because they were strong town player

Was he the only visitor though?

I put myself in position yesterday to actually be able to be more easy to suspect by leaning back halfway through and playing more relaxed so that I wouldn’t be nk’d

I’d sleep if I were you Italy.
There’s no point playing the game if you aren’t feeling 100% ready.

I take offense to this

We literally only had a single kill last night. And who would vig Marshal? He was literally the player that pushed Nap the hardest.

So what exactly is your PoE rn?

i exist to spite god
but i will probably go to sleep anyways

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Idk, I get told 1 visitor.
There could be multiple.
That’s why I asked L1ght about his ability.