[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Did you think L1ght was scum before getting results

same as it was last I died because I have read ~nothing since then

high levels of apathy is scummy for solic imho

this was one quote

waste, slight apathy


again there’s no prescedent for this. My gut is based off meta and this is far more apathetic than the solic i know. I dont accept this excuse

speculation that can be done with little effort

this is a paragraph with a lot of words that says nothing. tl:dr he doesn’t like why some ppl have chosen to scumread him, but ultimately, he doesnt care.

this isn’t the base town reaction for everyone

again, not enough on it’s own against frost. Another lazy read.

even though i’ve pledged to give up meta personally, that’s mainly what my gut consumes for gut reads. you’ve stated variations of this over and over again and it’s just become wasteful

first have of his iso @DatBird

need a break for now but my wim went up again after starting by doing more than skimming due to how much i was getting pissed off

Oh mist, really important, read my past messages that had an interaction with Mole, do you understand what I was getting to or not

Ah okay. Fair enough.

I don’t know

what I had written down last night:

I think reasonable shotlist for tomorrow would be pkr/simon/solic/italy/frost/ici/n.1/(maybe)derps

L1ght seemed alright before.
I had him at a 6(?) or 7(?) which is at least null lean town (6).
So I didn’t scumread L1ght, at least when I last made my readslist.

I will after dinner, have to go do that now

What was it when you died?

Okay so I’m gonna do an iso on Crich cuz of a slight gutread I previously had and I have nothing better to do right now

If PKR’s info is correct and l1ght flips scum, then he’s spewed village and should be taken out of ITAs.

(my gut reads also tend to seep into my iso skimming and reading)
yes my reads are usually shit. i’ve accepted this

Then why even propose the theory that Marshal was not the nightkill?

It’s… kind of absurd to think that a wolf would bus another one like this and then get themselves killed for a gambit like this.

I agree on most of them except Derps and Frost. N’s basically in the middle of the line rn.

What was your main objection regarding Marshal’s reads?

Yes, I visited Marshall.


Since I’m probably going to get lynched, I’ll out that I’m an investigative.

Ok, well, at least y’all know my result is legit.
Idk what L1ght did, but that’s up to others to decide.
I gave all I had >_>

…bussing a PoE’d wolf via a redcheck is how he literally managed to endgame in Insurgency.

So L1ght claims an investigative class and visits Marshal the night he died?
Marshall was a spewed villager, why visit him as investigative?


…why check a player that was obviously not W/W with Nap?